Okay, the holidays are now over. Goals should be established, and road maps laid out. If you are anything like me, you will be stepping outside your comfort zone. If that’s the case, start that stretch soon! The longer you wait to stretch yourself, the more difficult it will become.
Stretching ourselves is one of the things that make us productive, successful, and happy. Staying in the comfort zone causes us to become complacent, ordinary, and dull and before we realize it, we have become boring.
Start that stretch soon so you can jump in with both feet, get yourself pumped up, and ready yourself for the challenge! This year is all about change. This year is all about stretching ourselves beyond our normal limits; this year is all about stepping out and doing something different to get the results we want!
The first quarter of 2019 is the perfect time to get your real estate license. We have our Pensacola evening class starting January 14, and our one-week Fast Track class begins January 7. We also have an evening class in Miramar Beach starting January 7 and a Fast Track starting January 14. If you want to practice real estate, and you know nothing about how to practice real estate, then you will stretch yourself. Start that stretch soon! Don’t put it off; get it done and over so that you can begin the training process. It’s a great time to be in real estate, and you deserve to join the rest of the real estate agents making money.
Let’s go! Let’s do it together! One, two, three, four, S-T-R-E-T-C-H! Start that stretch soon! TEAM Hughes Real Estate School is right there with you. We will help all we can – we even finance your class if you need our help! Our school is about relationships, but to build a relationship, you have to take the first step. Call or email me – I’m waiting to hear from you! Happy New Year and I’ll see you in the classroom! Please visit our Class Options page or email Carrie.