Give Yourself a Present

By: Carrie Hughes

Christmas trees with pretty lights, lovely Menorahs laid out for Hanukkah, nippy cold weather ahead of us, and lots of food and drink at parties all set us up for the holiday spirit. Regardless of your religious affiliation, you must admit the last month of each year comes in with much anticipation. You don’t have to be a kid to appreciate the warm feelings December brings. Even more exciting is that this year could be even better and you could give yourself a present.

I know children want toys, video games, books, and lots of cool things in December. Moms and dads have an array of wish list items. Most adults let the other adults in their lives know what they want, but if you have had a passion to get a real estate license, now is the time to give yourself a present.

I had a mom call the other day and she wanted to give her son a real estate class. I had another lady call who actually wanted to buy a class for her daughter’s boyfriend. It’s so wonderful when people want to help get someone else on a different path. Don’t forget you, though. You deserve to follow your passion. There’s nothing more exciting for me than to talk with someone who has that passion and who is excited about registering for an upcoming class. They are definitely giving themselves a present they’ll use forever!

The practice of real estate is a great career! It’s the only one that comes to mind where an average adult can make as much money as some doctors, lawyers, and accountants. You are only limited by what you are willing to do to achieve success. It’s not easy, but there is a clear path to success for real estate agents. Practicing real estate can be a “shot gun” approach where you try to hit as many places and people as possible, or a “rifle” approach where you learn to take precise aim at a target. Training is paramount to your success, and most brokerage firms offer the majority of training at no cost.

Give yourself a present that could change your life and that will open up a whole new world to you. If you are not content with your present career, then make a switch! Life is too short to travel down a mundane path with no challenges for growth and improvement. If you’ve thought about it, but you’ve been afraid to jump into it, the practice of real estate will always hold an allure for you and you will never know whether or not that was the path you should have taken.

Year-end is a great time to make decisions and to give yourself a present. We now offer our January classes at two campuses in Florida. Check out our website for times, dates, and locations. We can help you give yourself a present!