Are you a dreamer? Do you ever dream about being more than you are? Do you ever dream of living a life that allows you to follow your passions?
I believe in dreams. I believe dreaming helps you achieve your goals. I believe that if we don’t have dreams, we aren’t motivated to do more. Where do these dreams come from?
I’m hardly an analyst, but for myself, I can recall my mother telling me she wanted me to be better than her. She wanted me to have an education she didn’t have, and she wanted me to make more money than she and my father ever had. In retrospect, it wasn’t that difficult to achieve. Neither Mom nor Dad had a high school education; they were products of the 1920’s and grew up in tough times. Dad was in the military before age 17 (lied his way in), and Mom worked from a very young age. Dad ultimately ended up as a police officer, Mom worked in a factory most of her life. Dreams weren’t a major part of their lives I guess.
Dreaming helps you achieve goals. Putting aside any theological doctrines you may have, we learn at a young age that positive thinking will keep us going forward. The old adage, “the cup is either half full or half empty” still holds true for today. Without dreams, there are no goals. Without dreams, there is no hope. Without dreams, one simply exists. After all, humans are sort of like plants in that if they aren’t growing, they die.
Dreaming helps you achieve goals, so it’s important to keep your dreams alive. I love students who tell me they’ve thought about getting into real estate for years, but life kept getting in the way. I smile at them and explain, for some, getting into real estate is life! There’s no better time than now!
TEAM Hughes Real Estate School is forming its November one-week fast track real estate class. Register for the class; come join us, those who have dreams of getting a real estate license. Just think! You’ll finish up on Sunday, and on Thanksgiving, you’ll be thankful that you took the first step toward making that dream come true. We’ll help, we’ll guide you and we’ll instruct you, and we’ll make sure you know everything you’ll need to know for this first step. Trust me on this – we want to help you achieve your goal! Call or register on line – we want your life to be as happy as ours!