Do You Make Resolutions?

By: Carrie Hughes

Do you make resolutions for the New Year’s Day, hoping to achieve something you’ve not been able to do in the past? I used to make all kinds of New Year’s resolutions when I was younger. After many years of seeing the resolutions fall by the wayside, I stopped making them. Now I make goals, and for some reason they seem more achievable than resolutions.

When I first got my license in 1983, it was mid-year and I had never made any kind of goals for myself or for my family. I was still making resolutions that would last a couple of weeks into the new year. I smoked, so I resolved to quit. I drank, so I resolved to quit. I was divorced, so I resolved to find a husband. I could go on, but they only get worse. In my early 30’s, a single mother of two young daughters, I got into real estate as a desperate attempt to survive. I knew there was more money on the other side of the desk. I was an administrative assistant at a Century 21 office and someone told me I could do it, so I did it.

My first broker taught me about goals. His question, “Do you make resolutions?” was one I eagerly responded in the affirmative, thinking I had gotten the correct answer. My broker was spot on! Resolutions seldom get resolved, whereas goals can be achieved. It’s all a matter of mindset.

Do you make resolutions? Stop making them. Make some goals for yourself. We are at year-end, and now is the time to decide where you want to be one year from now. Once the holidays are over, reality will set back in. If you’re in a dead-end job, if you aren’t making enough money to survive, if you’re bored with your time, if you just need a change in careers – now is the time! If you’ve been thinking about a career in real estate, set a goal to get your real estate license. You don’t have to quit your job; you don’t have to fear starvation. Just accomplish one goal at a time. Get the license.

Do you make resolutions? Start making goals. Write them down, examine them monthly, modify them if you must, and scratch them off as you achieve them. That broker of mine had no idea back in 1983 that he had implanted a habit in me that would carry forward to the present! I owe him a debt of gratitude! Through all the ups and downs of life itself, in addition to my faith in God, one thing remained constant and that was that no matter where life took me, I brought my goals right along. Some were met, some were not, but in all the miles I’ve traveled through life, the habit remained and still remains to this day. I no longer make resolutions. Now I make goals.

What’s my number one business goal for this year? That’s easy. You are my business goal for this year. I will help you get your real estate license. Call or email and let’s get to know one another.