When the plate is full, time is speeding by quickly, and curriculums all need to be updated, it’s easy to forget to blog. Blogging is not for the faint of heart, and when it is compounded by a state of frenzy and a cluttered mind, it can become a huge burden.
Have you ever wanted to do something and you kept putting it on the back burner because it took a commitment of time and energy? The more you procrastinate, the larger the goal becomes and the more it appears to be impossible to achieve. That’s how I almost forgot to blog!
To me, blogging is a commitment I’ve made to TEAM Hughes Real Estate School. I figure if our students can commit time, energy and money to getting their real estate license, the least I can do is commit to regular blogging in an effort to expose our school to the public. Today, however, I forgot to blog. Thankfully, I remembered this morning that I had not prepared for today. Normally, I try to finish blogging early in the week so that our webmaster has time to work with them in preparation for publishing them on our website, but this week was an exception as we prepare to begin our One-Week Fast Track Real Estate Class Monday.
If you have made a commitment to yourself to make 2019 the year you get your real estate license, don’t put it off. Our January classes are larger than any classes we’ve ever had, and that tells us that the beginning of the year is a time when many people decide to do things they’ve put off. Don’t be a procrastinator. Enroll in one of our classes now. If you do, we can help you achieve that goal of a license. TEAM Hughes Real Estate School makes the process less painful than most because we have years of experience. We can relate the various concepts to actual situations we’ve lived through. It makes learning fun.
So, I forgot to blog, but here I am. I salvaged today’s blog and you are reading it! I hope you enjoy the blogs we put out on behalf of TEAM Hughes Real Estate School. Our hearts go into them. Many times it’s a joint effort between others and me, even though I get the credit. Maybe you should think about putting us on your team too. Contact us and we’ll start the process with you and walk you through. It’s what we do!