By: Carrie Hughes
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go. That makes it difficult to concentrate on blogging. Sitting by my daughter’s Christmas tree, sipping hot coffee, Gracie and Anna tugging at me for attention – all of these sweet memories remove us from the reality of our lives in Florida. We cherish the few short weeks we have with family this time of year, but on the other hand, we look forward to getting back to the Panhandle to take up where we left off.
This coming year will be exciting for us! Our goal of helping you will be achieved one student at a time, and we anticipate lots of growth and surprises along the way. We pray for good health, not only for us, but also for our students, and we hope each one of you will decide to become one of our students.
Today’s blog will be short and to the point. We wish you the most blessed Christmas ever. No matter what your theology may be, we pray you will be strengthened in your faith and that those around you will give you joy. The practice of real estate doesn’t always care about holidays. Many were the Sundays, the Christmas Eves and even the Easters when clients would ask me to show property. I won’t tell you what to do – it’s your decision. Just remember one thing. Life only happens this one time, and while the practice of real estate is always going to be there, friends and family may not.
Since it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, I think I’ll go off the grid for a few days. Gracie and Anna need their Nana and Grandpa more than you all need us right now. We’d love to have you register for a class and if you need us, by all means, call us! We’ll be back to blogging after Christmas and we’ll hope Google will be kind to us for not being loyal to the blog for a few days.
Merry Christmas to you and yours from us and ours! TEAM Hughes Real Estate School