Dear Person Who Wants to Practice Real Estate:
You don’t know me, but I know you. You’re the person who had a tiny idea one time about selling real estate. You’re the person who commented once that you were sure you could do it better than that bozo who sold you the house. You’re the one who loves looking at houses, wishes you could do more than just look, and has a passion that hasn’t burned out yet.
Now you think it’s too late to practice real estate. You may be thinking it costs too much money to get started. Another thought may be one of fear of what would happen if you didn’t succeed. There may be a wild image in your mind of succeeding, but then it gets pushed away by a sense of responsibility to the ones who are depending on you. You tell yourself the only ones making it are the ones who don’t rely on it. They must all have money coming in from other sources, right?
Dear person who wants to practice real estate, this is just between the two of us. Don’t tell anyone, don’t share my secret, just take it and place it in your heart. Here it is, wait for it, wait for it. You can so do it! The truth of the matter is that I believe, with all my heart, that if I could do it, anyone could do it! There just wasn’t anything “special” about me, I just believed I could do it, and I just did whatever “they” told me to do. Of course it wasn’t easy! Sure I became frustrated at times, sometimes even trying to talk myself out of it. The bottom line, though, dear person who wants to practice real estate, was that walking away was not an option. Failing was not an option; surviving was the only option, and when “they” told me to keep doing what I was doing, I prayed and hoped they were right. They were. I made enough money to support my two children, I bought a house or two, I finally had a decent car, and the climb up was sweet.
I believe in you. I know you can do it. Dear person who wants to practice real estate, don’t let your fears dictate to you, don’t put your passions on the back burner, just do it. Take one step at a time and get the license. We have a December class forming – you should be in it. You should get the license before the new year. If you do, you will have reached one of your goals, and that’s a good feeling! Check out our website for more information or call me – I’m here to serve.