Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! TEAM Hughes is so thankful for so many things. I hope you, like us, are thankful for your career. We are one of the few industries that offer unlimited success to each and every member, whether you have a graduate degree or whether you are a high school dropout.
Be thankful for your career because you are limited only by yourself. Even when the market is not in the best condition, if you are one who has positioned yourself with a good listing inventory, you will sustain the rough ride. At the very peak of our financial woes after the bubble previously burst and the real estate market tanked, there were agents who stayed in the business and who survived, only to reap the rewards that later followed.
Whatever your theology may be, this is a time of the year where each and every one of us should have something to be thankful about. We are not blessed to have enormous family gatherings for Thanksgiving. Nevertheless, Thanksgiving has always been a time for reflection. The year is coming to an end, and we think about the many blessings bestowed on us. We accomplished much this past year, but none of it was a result of our own efforts. We are so blessed and we want to bless you as well!
Thanks to the many people who helped us along the way. Thanks to the many relationships that have been forming this year. Thanks to each of our campus hosts. Thanks to our family members who encouraged us and spurred us on. Lastly, thanks to you. TEAM Hughes Real Estate School is a relatively new school, but we are by no means new at the business of helping people. Many of you came to us for help in getting your real estate license, and we not only thank you, but we appreciate you as well. We will continue to earn your respect in how we conduct business, and we hope you’ll continue to refer the people you care about.
Again, happy Thanksgiving everyone – may you have many blessings to reflect on as you are thankful this holiday season!