The One-Week Fast Track Real Estate Class is Scary

The one-week fast track real estate class is scary and can be pretty intimidating to some. Many prospective students comment to me, “I just don’t think I can go that fast.” Believe me, a fast track real estate class is the only way to go! Anyone interested in a career in real estate has an array of different ways to achieve the required 63 hours. There are month long classes, there are semester long classes, there are internet classes, there are two to three day classroom orientations before internet classes, there are daytime classes, and there are nighttime classes. The one-week fast track real estate class we offer kind of jumps over all the others and gets right to the heart of the matter.

The State of Florida mandates 63 hours of pre-license study. We run our one-week fast track real estate class Monday through Saturday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and on Sunday, we assemble again for a quick review and the final class exam. Students are done by 12:30 p.m., and they will know whether they passed or not before they leave. During this course, we teach every item the state requires. We are furnished a syllabus that we adhere to, thus guiding us into necessary subject matter to cover. As far as I know, we are the only school offering a one-week fast track real estate class in our area.

Now, picture this scenario. You are an adult and you may have been out of school a while. You want to begin a career in real estate. If you are working, you may lean toward a nighttime class, but that is going to tie you up a minimum of four weeks, four nights a week, not to mention study time. Maybe you think the internet class would be best because you could work at your own pace. We ultimately teach to many students who began with an internet class, but then switched over to us because even though every internet pre-license class must give access to an instructor, it is difficult not being able to ask someone a question right then and there when it arises. There is no community of students, no interaction; it makes a student feel quite alone. Many times, because the student is unhappy with the course, it drags out to an inordinate amount of time, and does not successfully prepare the student for the state exam.

We’ve designed our one-week fast track real estate class to do one thing, to teach you what you need to pass the final exam, as well as the state exam. Obviously, we cannot teach the entire book in 60 hours, but we can sure get you ready for both exams and elevate your chances of passing the first time. You just cannot buy into the lie that you can’t do it! We have had students pass the first time who hadn’t been to school in 50 years! We try to teach to every learning style by using a Power Point presentation as well as written material, and of course, lecture method. I would venture to say our class is no more difficult, and in some instances a lot easier, than most other real estate classes currently offered. The beauty of it is that you tie up one week of your life! Your family sure appreciates giving up the one week as opposed to one month!

We offer the One-Week Fast Track Real Estate class every month, and we never cancel our class. We will teach to one student or twenty students. Our pass rate is huge! December classes are forming now, so call me, let me explain the entire process to you, and then make your decision. Don’t negate a one-week fast track real estate class just because it scares you. I have 35 years of real estate and teaching experience in the field of real estate, and I can get you there better than most! Now is the time to change your life!