Blogs from Another Time

I’ve been reading several blogs from another time that were written by real estate agents, moms of small children, divorced women, school teachers, and the best of all, people who fashion themselves to be comedians. Now, I’m no comedian, although I do find humor in many forms. Sometimes I read a blog that reduces me to tears! True stories are much more effective to me, and I usually can commiserate on a certain level with most real estate bloggers.

I recall one of the first real estate blogs I had read. It was written by an agent several years ago who was attempting to relay the five biggest mistakes she had made when she first became licensed. This blog from another time made sense to me. She touted how silly it was to brand a company and not brand herself; she was dismayed that she’d listened to well-meaning friends and family with advice they should not have given her; woe unto her because she hadn’t saved any money to bankroll her new business, and there were a couple others. It was interesting reading, but didn’t affect me much since I had been in the business for a time before computers, internet, and blogging ever came about to take over the industry.

There are blogs out there regarding any subject you can imagine! It’s humorous to find blogs from another time because it shows you how far our industry has progressed. What’s sad, however, is that many of the original bloggers from the early 2000’s are no longer with us. They haven’t necessarily passed, but rather, they’ve left the business. Real estate is not their love anymore. I can’t say that I blame them. The time between 2007 until just a few years ago was horrific for most real estate agents. Blogs took a tumble for the worst! We were falling like flies! I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve taught a student who had previously been licensed but walked away during the bad times of the bubble. I myself semi-retired in 2007, only to come back into teaching full force just a few years ago!

Blogs from another time can be an eye opener. They can also remind us of where we were and where we are now. Admittedly, this isn’t the 1980’s, but then again, it’s not the worst time in real estate history. There’s money to be made. Just don’t pay attention to the blogs from another time. They didn’t have hindsight and their foresight wasn’t always accurate.

It’s a good time to be in the practice of real estate. We don’t know how long it will last, but if history teaches us anything, we can see the cycle will ultimately go around, and as the market changes, the agents who have positioned themselves in the market will be okay. The blogs from another time tell us that some will always survive, and as us oldsters retire to play golf or go fishing, you youngsters will tear it up! Get your courses and become one of them!