Let Me Introduce You To Some Agents I Know

Laura has been a REALTOR® for about two years. Her first career is at a local bank, and she is a people person. Through her many contacts from her first career, Laura has been able to make as a high an income in her second career of real estate as most other agents who profess to be full-time agents. We don’t call Laura a part-time agent because the proof is in her production. Laura has no children, but does have a partner, so there are some family responsibilities in her life.

Let’s talk about Candy now. Candy is entering her third year in real estate. She is the mother of five children, three of whom are not yet in school. Candy’s husband is a stay-at-home dad, although he also works from the house when the babies are napping. Candy took a giant leap last year. As the primary breadwinner, she decided to focus on growing a team. Today, Candy has three other team members, and her husband, who does their IT work, makes the fourth. Candy has been producing steadily from the very first day. Having no previous real estate experience, she decided to listen to people and do what they tell her. Candy is on her way to being one of the leading agents in her office.

Now we have Mary. Mary is a full time REALTOR® and is about to finish up her first year. The only income Mary has made from real estate has been her parents’ new home. She has their former home listed, so that will make another commission. Mary’s children are in school, and summertime was difficult because the kids were home. Mary promised she would get busy once they went back. That was two months ago. I see Mary’s selfies, kids’ pictures, lots of posts, and her feelings displayed on Facebook. I am not too concerned about her reading this blog because it’s about real estate.

Truth be known, Mary is the culmination of many agents who profess to be full-time. I dare say if each agent did what they were supposed to do, this industry would have so many more successful agents! If you want a real estate career, TEAM Hughes can help you. If you want a successful real estate career, you have to do what trainers tell you to do! There’s no other way to success. You won’t make it pretending to be full-time when, in fact, you aren’t even part-time.

Contact us if we can help get you there. Fall classes are coming up quickly!